Author: Albert Muthoni

Connie Aluoch is thrilled to be moderating a panel at The What women Want Summit 2.0 on Saturday March 23rd from 2 Pm. The conversation topic will be Agility in the creative workplace. Connie will be joined by Beverly Mawia: Ceo and Founder of African Yuva, Lisa Oduor: Artist, singer and Songwriter, Selam Ayele Kedebe: […

Connie represented East Africa at the Omniverse Conference held in Lagos Nigeria from the Feb 27th – 1st March 2024. Connie shared her insights on how technology is reshaping the African Fashion Industry with a focus on supply chains and customer experience. Connie sharing her insights on the role of technology in fashion

Beba collection was founded by Nathan Hennigh in 2018 in his high school dormitory room. He designed a Kikoy fabric backpack and fast forward to 2024 he is now has a full line of canvas and leather bags. The brand collaborates with established artisans in Kenya to develop unique, local products that can is sold […]

The Nuralains was founded by two sisters Nasra and Benazir Nuralain in 2019. The brand is a celebration of modesty, timeless elegance and targets individuals who appreciate refined fashion that transcends trends and fads. The Nuralain woman embraces a fusion of style and modesty. Michelle in the Nuralains waist coat set Serena w

Sheer Poise, ready-to-wear fashion brand based in Nairobi and was founded in 2017 by Creative Director Thia Owor. Thia is a self taught designer whose collections are inspired by nature. The brands collections offer comfortable, versatile, and classic apparel that encourages their client to individuals to fully embrace themselve

  Mussie Milkana from Eritrea is the creative lead and founder of the brand. Her fashion journey started in Kenya when she attended the Mcensal School of Fashion between 2018-2023. She had already established her brand in 2018 but opted to enhance her creative skills at Mcensal School of Fashion. The brand is fuse of […]

The Craftpreneur is a Made in Kenya brand founded in 2021 by Ms Carole who is also the creative director. Initially the business focused on beautiful Ankara themed aprons, bucket hats and bags but slowly evolved into the 2 main products currently which is Brass Jewelry and Crotchet dolls . This was informed by client […]